My Chevening Journey #1
Those words can define my Chevening Scholarship journey. I believe that the road to success is always foggy, hence every hard work will always pay you off. Remember that there is always a time to plant and a time to harvest.
Chevening Scholarship is not only focussed on academic aspect. It's offerred to future leaders and influencers all over the world, giving them positive opportunity to build world-wide networking with scholars and professionals.
This Chevening Scholarship journey seemed beyond my expectations. So, I am deeply grateful to say that I have been #chosenforchevening and that I will pursue MSc in Psychology of Education at one of the prestigious universities in the UK @universityofbristol
Being a Chevening Scholar 20/21 and Postgraduate student at the University of Bristol has opened my eyes that "If you believe in yourself, going beyond yourself, trusting your dreams and abilities, keep moving forward faithfully in every situation, you will reach whatever you want!"
Thank you for @cheveningfco and @ukindonesia for giving me this life-changing and once a life-time opportunity! Thank you for all of you who have been supporting me in every ups and downs in my life, you know that I am grateful to have you in my life!
I Can't Keep Calm, I Have Been Chosen for Chevening!
#ChosenforChevening #IAmChevening #MyCheveningJourney #cheveningscholarship #ukindonesia
Here is the whole question:
"Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses, and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience and your plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form." (write about 500 words).
I tried to breakdown like this:
a. Outline why you have selected your chosen three university courses,
b. and explain how this relates to your previous academic or professional experience
c. and your plans for the future. Please do not duplicate the information you have entered on the work experience and education section of this form.
and here some tips for Studying in the UK question:
1. Study and future career plans are crucial to showing your cause, passion and how do you stay true with that. This can be a very critical part that would differentiate you from other applicants.
2. So, it is important to answer the last 2 questions coherently because they are looking for someone who would serve and build their community.
3. Do not write about the detail of the course and the campus rank BUT write more about your passion, experience and expertise, problems you found that relate to your vision.
4. Specifically think about why taking this master programs and the universities is lead you achieve your vision.
5. You can also talk about the whole campus programs or city that might support your study in the UK
6. Remember that this question paints a picture of knowing what you want and how you want to get there.
Still, this part will have the same question every year. The whole question will be like this
"Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and your longer term career goals. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country" (write about 500 words).
I tried to breakdown this question into:
1. Chevening is looking for individuals who have a clear post-study career plan.
2. Please outline your immediate plans upon returning home and
3. Your longer term career goals
4. You may wish to consider how these relate to what the UK government is doing in your country
Again, breakdown the questions will help you to focus with every single word. Pay attention to what ever they ask you to answer. For me, highlighted some sentence can help me to organize my mind about what should I write.
Here some tips for answering this part:
1. Chevening is looking for people with big dreams and strong vision
2. Put your dreams clear and ambitious
3. Make your clear plan and breakdown into short-term (immediate plan), mid-term and long-term goal
(immediate plan, 2 years/5 years, 10 years)
4. Make it details and spesific
5. Make sure it is coherent/congruent with your previous questions, support your concern and passion
6. You are encourage to link your career plan with what UK Government do in your country and it might
change every year. So please, research thoroughly and try to link what you can contribute through your
career goal.
7. Make strong “Punchline” because this is the end of your essay.
8. Keep elaborate the essay with your role if you were chosen as Chevening scolar.
You can summarise the outline of being Chevening scholar.
You can wrap up and you should try to draw a link between each last questions with your career goals.
1). Repeating your resume and focussing too much on your achievements
2). No having value of life/ a clear vision
3). Over-generalizing (That’s why you need to breakdown each questions and answer it specifically)
4). Not coherent/congruent with other questions
5). Trying to be other person who have succeed (They want to know your whole personal process in the specific area of the questions, your self-improvement or what you’ve learned)
All the things here are based on my experience and my opinion but I hope you can find some
insights to help you achieve your dreams :)
Best of luck!
1. Apakah dokumem ijazah+transkrip yang diupload di sistem hanya translasinya saja atau translasi+versi aslinya digabung ke dalam 1 file?
2. Chevening hanya mengcover tuition fee hingga 18.000 GBP. Jika biayanya di atas itu maka sisa biayanya ditanggung grantee. Bagaimana pengalaman Miss Claudia, apakah ini menjadi dasar pemilihan kampus?
student accommodation